Installing flooring

Technology installation of flooring, types of foundations for installation of flooring

If you have decided in favor of floor covering, you should know some features of this type of flooring. Flooring – a “live” material, for which you need to follow certain conditions of its environment. Parquet need to enter only those areas in which you can maintain an optimal level of humidity and temperature. Because very dry conditions rozsyhatymetsya flooring, cracks appear between the slats, they lose their shape. If the humidity in the room flooring will absorb this moisture and can “zdutysya”, which is also bad for the floor covering. Necessary conditions under which flooring will have optimum humidity – is 9 +/- 3%.

  • Temperature 18-24 ° C
  • Relative humidity – 40 to 60%.

At low humidity that is so during the heating season, the company “Parquet Class” recommends using a humidifier, the result of which will favorably influence the flooring, and the health of residents of your home. There are various options for installation of flooring. Which one to choose, you decide.

Installing parquet

Installing flooring screed on

Installing parquet

Installing flooring screed to choose when variations in the surface of the concrete base is more than 2 cm. inequality If less than 2 cm, you can use self-leveling mix.

Before pouring screed have to sign a waterproof, can use thick or special reinforced polyethylene or foil tape. At the edges, the walls need to bring waterproof with some reserve, for installation on a plinth.

Ties can be laid directly on a concrete base or pre-poured insulating layer, but in the latter case, the thickness of the tie should not be less than 4 cm.

In order to cement screed dry in, it takes a long time. For screed thickness of 3 to 5 cm takes about 4-6 weeks time, and in the first weeks of the cement hardens, and then dry. When the thickness of screed over 5 cm this time multiply by 1,5-2.

Note: never use to speed up drying screed drafts, fans or other devices to direct warm air flow! As a result of these actions in the drying cement thickness is uneven, there is excessive internal pressure, then screed may be destroyed and it will crack, that is not acceptable.

The next step in preparing the foundations for the establishment of parquet flooring is moisture resistant plywood. A large sheet of plywood (thickness 10 to 18 mm) should spray on square pieces of sizes from 40×40 cm to 75h75. This is done to relieve internal stresses. It is important to follow the rule: the thickness of plywood shall be at least ¾ thick parquet flooring that at a thickness of 15 mm thick plywood shall be at least 12 mm and at a thickness of 22 mm floor covering – not less than 18 mm.

Installing parquet

To plywood firmly stuck to the ground, you must first coupler proґruntuvaty, and then apply a special glue. Plywood is necessary to conclude so that no four corners are not agreed on one point, that is, with a shift. Between sheets of plywood you need to follow the clearance of 3-4 mm, and the wall leaving a gap of about 10 mm to the edge of the plywood, which is then filled with sealant. Plywood mounted on screws, cap screws vtoplyuyutsya 3-4 mm. After installing the plywood need to sustain technological break 2 to 3 days.

But it is too early to conclude flooring must sanded plywood, thereby eliminate the differences, and only then start the installation of flooring or parquet boards. But it is important to know that before flooring parquet floors parquet must lie in this room about a week to its temperature and humidity aligned with the environment.

Now you can proceed directly to the installation of flooring. In plywood parquet glue is applied using a special spatula. To squeeze out excess adhesive, parquet strips of plywood and pressed to make the sighting pins, using pneumatic or mechanical tools. Depending on various reasons, preliminary done in each bar or a few.

The next step will be sanding the parquet and putty all its surface. But before Painting need to sustain technological break which lasts for about 6 days, depending on the moisture-temperature characteristics in the room. It is necessary, so that at the conclusion of flooring was excessive humidity, which resulted in it can slightly warp.

Sanding parquet after installation requires at least two reasons:

  • Cleaning Parquet pollution.
  • Eliminating inequalities identified in the technological break.

During Break between hardwood slats formed cracks that are fixed putty entire surface flooring. To putty color different from the color of flooring, putty mass mixed with wood dust, which utvoryvsyaya during Painting.

Now, proceed to one of the most critical stages of parquet works – varnished parquet. When applying varnish on flooring, make sure your room is no draft, not working air conditioners or humidifiers. The first coat is applied, called primer that best penetrates wood pores and keeps the natural color of the wood, it also helps to reduce costs when applying the finishing lacquer layers. It is recommended to apply 2-3 layers of lacquer finish, depending on the intensity of the operation room. Before the last layer of varnish need to spend another sanding the parquet to remove the fibers of wood, which rose during the roll.

And finally the last stage – establishing a plinth that helps hide your gender inequality at the walls, and possible wiring and cable. The width of the plinth is selected taking into account the height of the door. Mounted on a plinth in different ways, depending on the type of skirting: glue, nails, screws, special fixing elements.

Install flooring on joists

This installation option of flooring is better than laying on the plate that excluded wet and dirty processes associated with pouring cement, logs can be completed in different types of communication, improved heat and sound insulation properties, concluding under floor insulation. Also, while we save precious time that we spend on fill foundation for flooring.

Logs – is planed wooden bars of rectangular cross section, measuring 50-55 mm 70-100 mm *, humidity lags should be 12%. After making logs impregnated with an antiseptic that protects the wood from pests and other destructive processes that shorten the life of lags.

When you install logs on concrete base should be laid perpendicular to the direction of future floor. Base bars at a distance of 250 to 300 mm apart, they are mounted using screws in increments of 500 mm, cap screws need to sink to 3-4 mm in depth. After installation logs to equalize the level by prostruhuyutsya and they are attached special wedges.

In the above logs, there are special adjustable logs, which are the same wooden bars, but they are made-through threaded holes in the bolts that attach special rack that firmly established on the base, and then using a special key regulated floor level.

After the joists are installed, they plank plywood. First, a layer that is attached to the screws, and then another, which are attached to the same glue and screws, caps are vtoplyuyutsya a depth of 3-4 mm. The total thickness of the layer of plywood shall not be less than 2 cm. After installing the plywood surface grind and start installing flooring.

Installing parquet on the draft floor

Installing parquet

This method of installing hardwood floors is the most economical, so no need to waste time drying screed, the installation logs. It is the whole layer parquet flooring, and a layer of glue on the rough floor, a layer of plywood and parquet glue flooring, putty and paint are made directly on the draft floor. However, despite the efficiency of this method, it is also one of the most important, because before installing floorboard need to ensure that sustained all the conditions described below.

rough sex can be considered high quality and suitable for laying parquet boards or flooring if:

  • joists that are secured floor, well dried and impregnated with an antiseptic;
  • surface must be perfectly flat and firmly rooted;
  • floor must be laid with matched boards (this condition is not mandatory, but very positive impact on the final quality).

At the same time:

  • there should be no creaking floors;
  • are not allowed variations;
  • are not allowed at least some bias when walking on it.

If all above-mentioned conditions are met, we can say that the approach to the implementation of parquet works.

Then draft a floor treated with glue and placed waterproof plywood, which, in addition to glue, mounted on screws, caps are vtoplyuyutsya 3-4 mm in depth. Then continued investment flooring for already known algorithm.

It should be remembered that all parquet works carried out only after all finishing work such as plastering and painting in connection with which the room is created by high humidity.

To perform high quality parquet works, facilities must meet the following requirements:

  • the room temperature – 18 to 24 ° C;
  • humidity (relative) – 40 to 60%;
  • dry wall and base (absolute) – 4 to 6%;
  • differences based on (charging, logs, rough floor) should not exceed 2 mm per 2 m.